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10 Inspiring Insights into Boris Babač’s (b52_photography) Journey in Boudoir Photography

Boris Babač’s (b52_photography)
Boris Babač (b52_photography)

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Boris Babač, the talented boudoir and fine art photographer behind b52_photography. Based in Bratislava and working across Prague, Brno, and Ostrava, Boris combines technical expertise with creativity to capture the beauty and elegance of his subjects. Here’s a glimpse into his journey and philosophy.

1. What inspired you to start photography? Do you remember your first camera?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Moja cesta k svetu fotografie bola dosť nepriama 😀 Už od detstva ma fascinovali sci-fi filmy a špeciálne efekty… Po pôl roku ma oslovila moja krstná mama, aby som nafotil byt na predaj, a odvtedy sa fotenie stalo mojou vášňou. Stále som však cítil, že by som chcel fotiť aj niečo iné, a tak som začal fotiť kamarátky. Odtiaľ som sa dostal k boudoir a glamour, ktorý sa stal mojou ‘temnou stranou’ a trvá dodnes.

Translation: My journey into photography was indirect. I was fascinated by sci-fi films and special effects as a kid… Eventually, my godmother asked me to photograph an apartment for sale, and from there, photography became my passion. I wanted to explore more, so I started photographing friends. That’s how I found my way to boudoir and glamour, which has been my ‘dark side’ ever since.

2. How do you prepare for a photoshoot? Do you follow a specific process?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Určite nezabudnúť nabiť všetky baterky a zbaliť všetky potrebné veci deň vopred :D… Pripravujem mood board, vybírám outfity s modelkou, aby sme na mieste využili čas na maximum.

Translation: First, I make sure all batteries are charged and gear is packed a day before… I create a mood board and coordinate outfits with the model in advance to make the most of our time during the shoot.

3. What’s your favorite style of photography, and why?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Boudoir a glamour sú určite moje obľúbené štýly… Teší ma, keď modelky vidia svoju krásu v najlepšom svetle. Snažím sa ponúknuť kvalitný zážitok každej záujemkyni, bez ohľadu na vek alebo postavu.

Translation: Boudoir and glamour are definitely my favorite styles… I love helping models see their beauty in the best light. I aim to offer a quality experience to everyone, regardless of age or body type.

4. Have you ever had a photoshoot that didn’t go as planned? What happened?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Nepovedal by som, že úplne nepovedlo, ale už som mal zopár fotení, kde modelky boli nezodpovedné a prišli opité. Beriem fotenie vážne a taký prístup ma dokáže naštvať.

Translation: I wouldn’t say it completely failed, but I’ve had shoots where models were irresponsible and showed up drunk. I take my work seriously, so that kind of behavior frustrates me.

5. Is it difficult to stand out as a photographer in today’s saturated market?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Áno aj nie. Trh je presýtený, ale stačí si veriť, odlišovať sa a vedieť sa predať. Fotografia je dôležitá, ale marketing je kľúčový.

Translation: Yes and no. The market is saturated, but standing out is about confidence, differentiation, and strong marketing. Photography is important, but marketing is key.

6. What do you do when you’re not photographing?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Som trochu workoholik :D… Ale rád si oddýchnem pri dobrej hre na PC, s rodinou, alebo pri kvalitnej shishe.

Translation: I’m a bit of a workaholic… But I enjoy relaxing with a good PC game, spending time with family, or enjoying quality shisha.

7. What advice would you give to someone just starting in photography?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Nebáť sa a hlavne začať. Youtube je plný videí a dnes stačí aj mobil na skvelé fotky. Ak ťa to osloví, postupne si zaobstaráš lepšiu výbavu.

Translation: Don’t be afraid and just start. YouTube is full of tutorials, and today you can create amazing photos with just a phone. If it clicks with you, invest in better gear over time.

8. What’s been your most challenging project so far?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Asi posledné fotenie v Prahe, kde som za dva dni nafotil 12 projektov. Bolo to vyčerpávajúce, ale rád prijímam veľké výzvy, ktoré ma posúvajú ďalej.

Translation: Probably my recent shoot in Prague, where I completed 12 projects in two days. It was exhausting, but I love taking on big challenges that push me further.

9. Do you consider yourself more technical or creative?

Boris Babač (b52_photography) : Považujem sa za technickejší typ, ale snažím sa zapracovať viac kreativity a nájsť rovnováhu medzi týmito dvoma aspektmi.

Translation: I consider myself more technical, but I’m working on incorporating more creativity and finding a balance between the two aspects.

10. How do you handle situations where a client or model has a very different vision from yours?

Boris: Záleží, či ide o platené fotenie alebo nie. Ak je nápad odlišný od môjho a nie je to dobre zaplatené, radšej do toho nejdem. Svoj čas si vážim.

Translation: It depends if it’s a paid shoot or not. If their idea is very different from mine and it’s not well-paid, I’d rather not take it. I value my time.

Final Thoughts

Boris journey into boudoir and glamour photography reflects his dedication, technical expertise, and passion for showcasing beauty in all its forms. Whether it’s working on challenging projects or helping models see their best selves, Boris continues to push the boundaries of his craft.

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Tags: b52_photography, Boris Babač

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