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10 Raw and Captivating Insights into Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) Creative World

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography)
Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography)

Igor Mikula, known as @igormikulaphotography, is a talented Slovak photographer whose journey has taken him from small-town Slovakia to the bustling streets of Prague and finally to a peaceful life surrounded by nature. With a passion for glamour, boudoir, and raw, unfiltered storytelling through his lens, Igor’s work stands out for its emotional depth and unique perspective. In this interview, Igor shares his creative inspirations, unexpected challenges, and personal insights into the world of photography. Dive in to explore the man behind the camera and his journey to capturing beauty in its most authentic forms.

1. What inspired you to move from Slovakia to Prague, and how has the city influenced you as a photographer?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : No mal som dvadsať rokov a chcel som tak nejak poznať aj niečo iné, ako je malé mesto odkiaľ pochádzam. Česká koruna bola silnejšia ako tá naša a to tiež nebolo na zahodenie. Praha je krásne mesto strávil som tam desať rokov, ale už vyše dvanásť rokov žijem v podstet v lese, pretože mám radšej prírodu ako zhon. Pravda ale je že v Prahe je kopec možností čo sa týka foťenia ľudí

Translation: I was twenty years old, and I wanted to explore something different from the small town where I grew up. The Czech koruna was stronger than ours, which was also a nice bonus. Prague is a beautiful city—I spent ten years there—but for over twelve years now, I’ve been living mostly in the forest because I prefer nature to hustle and bustle. Still, Prague offers countless opportunities for photographing people.

2. What story lies behind your favorite photo in your portfolio?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Nie je to síce moja obľúbená fotka, ale raz som ukazoval modelke nejakú pózu ( videli sme sa prvýkrát) a praskli mi nohavice medzi nohami, inak sa v mojom svete glamour toho zase toľko nestáva. Podstatne viac sa toho ďeje, kedy ako fotožurnalista fotím svoje projekty trebars s ľuďmi z ulice, tam je to zložitejšie a maličko viac emocionálne.

Translation: It’s not exactly my favorite photo, but there was this one time when I was showing a model a pose (we’d just met for the first time), and my pants ripped between the legs. Glamour doesn’t bring too many surprises like that. On the other hand, when I’m working as a photojournalist on street projects, things get much more complicated and emotional.

3. What is your favorite camera and lens combination, and why does it work so well for you?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Canon EOS R5+Canon 50mm 1.8 stm. Je to malé a skladné.

Translation: Canon EOS R5 + Canon 50mm 1.8 STM. It’s compact and portable.

4. How would you describe your signature style to someone discovering your work for the first time?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Tak mám rád syrovost. Málo retuše, pretože som lenivý sa tú retuš učiť. Trošku kontroverzie tiež nevadí, bavia ma temné portréty, negatívne emócie, kľudne zvýraznenie ‘nepekných časťí tela’ (podľa niekoho pretože každý človek to vníma po svojom). Ženská krása je rozmanitá, mne ale viac ako modelka v trenkách Gucci imponuje modelka zavesená za nohu zo stromu v temnom hmlistom lese, samozrejme s bobrom. (Nie tým, čo okusuje stromy).

Translation: I like rawness. Minimal retouching, mainly because I’m too lazy to learn retouching. I don’t mind a touch of controversy—I enjoy dark portraits, negative emotions, even emphasizing ‘unattractive parts of the body’ (as some might call them since everyone perceives it differently). Female beauty is diverse, but I prefer a model hanging by her leg from a tree in a dark, misty forest over one in Gucci underwear. And, of course, with a beaver. (Not the one that chews on trees).

5. Have you ever photographed something controversial or polarizing? How did you handle the reactions?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Fotil, ale vzhľadom na to že na mna nikto moc nereaguje, tak som to zvládol dobre. 🙂

Translation: I have, but since no one really reacts to me much, I handled it well. 🙂

6. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about photographers in the glamour or boudoir genre?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography): To je dosť obecná otázka, ja popravde vôbec neviem čo si kto o fotografoch týchto žánrov myslí. Asi by sme museli spraviť prieskum verejnej mienky ‘obyčajných smrteľníkov’ a vyhodnotiť to.

Translation: That’s quite a broad question. Honestly, I have no idea what people think about photographers in these genres. We’d probably need to conduct a public opinion survey among ‘ordinary mortals’ to find out.

7. If you could photograph anyone in the world—living or dead—who would it be and why?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Ak máš na mysli nejakú modelku, tak tu nemám žiadnu vysnívanú hviezdu. Z obyčajných ľudí je toho kopec, či už živých alebo mŕtvych.

Translation: If you mean a model, I don’t have any dream star. Among ordinary people, there are plenty—both living and dead.

8. What piece of photography gear could you never live without?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Obyčajné systémové blesky, prenosné fotopozadie a jeden malý octabox, s týmto ‘vybavením’ totiž vzniká väčšina mojich fotiek. Jo a foťák by sa tiež hodil.

Translation: Simple speedlights, a portable backdrop, and a small octabox. Most of my photos are created with this ‘gear.’ Oh, and a camera would be useful too.

9. Have you encountered cultural differences between Slovakia and the Czech Republic during your photography journey? How did you adapt?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Myslím že nie je zase tak moc kultúrnych rozdielov medzi týmito dvomi krajinami, alebo to skôr nedokážem porovnať, pretože na Slovensku v podstate nefotím. Myslím ale že sme viac konzervatívny. Bratři a setry sú viac otvorený rôznym nápadom. Ono záleží aj odkiaľ daná osoba pochádza, inak to všetko vníma holka z Prahy a inak holka z Lefantoviec.

Translation: I don’t think there are many cultural differences between these two countries, or maybe I can’t compare because I rarely shoot in Slovakia. But I believe Slovaks are more conservative. Our Czech brothers and sisters are more open to various ideas. It also depends on where the person comes from—a girl from Prague perceives things differently than a girl from Lefantovce.

10. What’s the harshest criticism you’ve ever received, and how did you respond?

Igor Mikula (Igormikulaphotography) : Tá príde až po tomto rozhovore. Inak ďakujem za otázky a prajem veľa šťastia.

Translation: It’ll probably come after this interview. Otherwise, thank you for the questions and good luck.

Final Thoughts

Igor’s candid responses highlight his unique approach to photography, blending raw authenticity with a touch of humor and creativity. His journey, from Prague’s vibrant streets to tranquil forests, continues to inspire his captivating work. Which of Igor’s insights resonated most with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Tags: Igor Mikula, Igormikulaphotography

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