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Rostislav Dufek (Rosstaphoto) – Interview (10 Questions)

Rostislav Dufek (Rosstaphoto)
Rostislav Dufek (Rosstaphoto)

Meet Rostislav Dufek (Rosstaphoto), a passionate glamour and art photographer who transforms every photoshoot into a new creative challenge. In this exclusive interview, Rostislav shares his thoughts on inspiration, preparation, and the delicate balance between art and provocation. Let’s dive into his creative process and inspirations.

1. Do you plan your photoshoots in advance, or do you prefer to improvise?

Rostislav Dufek (Rosstaphoto) : Pro mě každé focení je výzva i když příprava je důležitá ale moc často to nedělám to by musel být nějaký projekt.

Translation: For me, every photoshoot is a challenge, even though preparation is important, I don’t often plan much unless it’s for a special project.

2. What inspires you most in Poprad? Do you have any secret places where you find ideas?

Rostislav: Nápady většinou jsou takové v jakém jsem duševním rozpoložením a tajná místa nemám.

Translation: Ideas are usually tied to my mental state, and I don’t have any secret places.

3. Which recent photo or project are you most proud of?

Rostislav: Na každé focení jsem hrdý tedy na každou novou výzvu ale pokud mám říci tak je to focení s houpací sítí.

Translation: I’m proud of every shoot and the challenges they bring, but if I had to choose, it would be the hammock photoshoot.

4. What kind of music do you listen to when editing photos, and does it affect your creativity?

Rostislav: Pop a rock.

Translation: Pop and rock.

5. If you could photograph any celebrity, who would it be and why?

Rostislav : To je dosti těžká otázka nikdy jsem nad tím moc nepřemýšlel ale kdybych měl jednu vypíchnout byla by to Miley Cyrusová už jen proto, že bych jí rád poznal.

Translation: That’s a tough question, but if I had to pick one, it would be Miley Cyrus simply because I’d like to meet her.

6. Is there something you always avoid during a photoshoot?

Rostislav : Rušivým elementům tedy lidí ale někdy se tomu nedá vyhnout.

Translation: I try to avoid distracting elements like people, but sometimes it’s inevitable.

7. What type of photoshoot do you enjoy the most?

Rostislav : Glamour, akty, vlastně vždy záleží na dané situaci a domluvě. Nebráním se žádnému žánru.

Translation: Glamour and nudes, but it always depends on the situation and the agreement. I’m open to all genres.

8. What drew you to glamour photography, and how did you develop this specific style?

Rostislav : Glamour je hodně specifické téma a to je to, co mě na něm hodně baví, jen záleží, jak to uchopíš, a to mě lákalo začít fotit.

Translation: Glamour is a very specific genre, and that’s what excites me about it. It all depends on how you approach it, and that’s what attracted me to start shooting it.

9. Do you consider yourself more technically focused or creatively driven?

Rostislav: Spíše jsem kreativní duše.

Translation: I’m more of a creative soul.

10. Do you think glamour photography can sometimes be too provocative? Where do you draw the line between art and controversy?

Rostislav : Jak už jsem psal, záleží, jak to uchopíš tento styl, a pak i jak to divák bude vnímat. Dělám jistý druh umění a tím vlastně i trochu provokuji..

Translation: As I mentioned earlier, it depends on how you approach the style and how the audience perceives it. I create a certain type of art, which naturally provokes a little.

Final Thoughts

Rostislav Dufek’s work highlights the fine line between glamour, art, and controversy, showing how photography can be both expressive and provocative. His creativity, attention to emotion, and fearless approach make him a standout photographer in the Czech glamour scene.

Check out the full photoshoot, subscribe to Fotium and explore Rostislav’s captivating portfolio.

Tags: Rosstaphoto, Rostislav Dufek

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