
I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with the stunning Lu.epic for a photoshoot in one of Prague’s most popular photo studios. Known for her vibrant personality and worldwide travels, Lu brought her unmistakable energy and grace to this session, resulting in some truly breathtaking shots.

The Location: A Creative Hub in Prague

We chose one of the city’s top studios for this photoshoot, known for its versatility and creative atmosphere. With large windows flooding the space with natural light and sleek, minimalist décor, the studio provided the perfect backdrop to capture the essence of Lu.epic’s dynamic spirit. The mix of natural and artificial lighting allowed us to experiment with a range of moods, from soft and ethereal to bold and edgy.


Lu.epic: A Force of Nature

Lu.epic is not just a model; she’s an artist, a traveler, and a creator. Her diverse experiences across Europe and beyond shine through in her work, and she brought that same level of creativity to our session. Whether posing with fierce intensity or playful spontaneity, Lu’s versatility in front of the camera made every shot feel fresh and unique.


With her upcoming travels to Graz, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Amsterdam, and Paris, this shoot felt like a special moment to capture her elegance and style before she takes on the world again. Lu’s wardrobe choices were as striking as her personality, with a blend of high fashion and casual looks, each adding a new layer to the shoot’s story.


The Shoot: Balancing Light and Shadow

The key to this photoshoot was playing with light and shadow. We captured a range of portraits and full-body shots, utilizing the studio’s large windows for natural light while also incorporating studio lighting for a more polished, editorial feel. The result? A collection of images that highlight Lu’s powerful presence while also celebrating her softer, more intimate side.


Full Gallery

As always, the full gallery from this incredible shoot will be available exclusively for premium subscribers. If you want a behind-the-scenes look at this session, along with access to the entire photo collection, be sure to subscribe for the full experience!

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Lu.epic continues her exciting journey through Europe, and we’re proud to have captured a moment of her story here in Prague. Stay tuned for more shoots and exclusive content coming soon!

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